
Internships and employment

The Alumni portal may allow companies to register, requiring or not approval by the administrator. Regarding companies, the portal provides the following features:




Employment announcements

Companies can post internship or job announcements. Students can consult these announcements and, if their profile fit its requirements, they can apply to the job. Then companies are able to view and export the complete profile of the students who have applied to the ad.





Automatic application

Students can activate the automatic application to job announcements functionality in order to be automatically included in the candidates list of all the announcements with the characteristics they desire and in which their profile fits with the identified requirements.





Finalist Student List

Students who are completing or completed recently a course may choose to be part of a list of finalists. Companies can access and export this list having access to the student’s complete profiles.




List of Companies

Students can consult the list of registered companies and see their business profiles.





Students can express their interest on a company. By doing so, the company is informed and can access the list of all students who are interested in the company in order to view or export their full profiles.



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