
Keep a long-term connection with students and former students providing them an Alumni portal that allows them to interact with each other, to develop their careers and professional network relationships, and establishing contact with employing companies interested in their skills.


SIGA automates academic management processes starting at the candidate applications until the certificate issuing. Free your staff from repetitive, discouraging and non-value-added tasks, and focus your energy on business development. Minimize coordination errors and problems centralizing all the information in a single database surrounded by plenty of features and automations.


Moodle allows you to create dynamic courses and promote learning anywhere and anytime. You can easily create your courses using hundreds of features – such as loading content, create assignments and assessment quizzes – and implement collaborative activities – such as forums, wikis and glossaries – to provide effective and motivating online learning.



Book: Moodle 4 for Teachers

This book uses pictures and simple instructions to teach how to create elearning content, pedagogical activities and dynamic and motivating courses on the Moodle virtual learning environment. It also provides best practices examples and suggestions to make the most of Moodle 4.

With a clear and direct writing, this book provides you with the necessary knowledge and skills to create pedagogical content and activities, enhancing your performance as a Moodle teacher.

Simultaneously accessible and comprehensive, this book explains through simple instructions and pictures how this learning environment works, providing examples of good practices and suggestions so you can make the most of Moodle 4.

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To whom is this book intended for?

This book was written thinking about everyone that wishes to create, develop and manage pedagogical content using Moodle. This is a must have manual to Moodle teachers.

Do you want to acquire basic or advanced knowledge about using Moodle as a teacher? Do you intend to create and manage a course totally online, or as complementary for classroom training? Do you need to create a dynamic learning environment that supports human resources training and management? This book helps you perform any task since the beginner level until the most complex and sophisticated Moodle functionalities.

Is this the first time you are going to work with Moodle? This is the right book for the right learning environment. Be welcome.

This book will show you how to:

  • Perform the required procedures for an efficient navigation, usage and dynamization of Moodle 4;
  • Effectively promote involvement, interaction, creativity, motivation and student learning;
  • Make the most of the new features and improvements in version 4 that make Moodle more flexible and adaptable to different goals and contents;
  • Explore the advanced features that make Moodle even more interactive.

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And guide you to explore the advanced functionalities that make Moodle even more interactive, like:

  • Customize your course page in a simple and quick manner using drag & drop;
  • Insert images, audio, video, equations and other media in a page, forum introduction, quiz question or other content;
  • Easily connect to repositories like YouTube, GoogleDocs, Picasa, etc. to add content to your course;
  • Create lessons that have a sequence adaptable to student learning process and previous knowledge;
  • Create highly interactive quizzes, with progressive hints, random questions and multiple attempts;
  • Display a random glossary entry at the course page and using this functionality for several creative purposes (citation of the day, student of the week, etc.);
  • Implement Workshops and Wikis that promote motivation, team work and peer assessment;
  • Create Groups of students and Group Groupings and use these to change the behavior of course activities;
  • Define conditions for students to access activities and resources and define completion criteria for the activities and the course;
  • Configure feedback questions and choice questions to get student answer data and charts.


Which Moodle version?

All the images, procedures and examples presented on the book Moodle 3 para Professores apply to the version 4.4.

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Readers opinion

“Moodle 4para Professores” é o manual para a nova versão Moodle 4, que Professores e Instrutores utilizadores desta Plataforma aguardavam.
António Vilela, autor deste livro, tem uma larga experiência na área de eLearning desde 2000, bem como na sua aplicação pedagógica e é, desde 2003, Diretor Geral da ED-ROM, moodle-Partner.
Moodle 4 para Professores” endereça a versão atual da Plataforma moodle, sendo a altura do seu lançamento crucial para a tão necessária ajuda aos Professores na sua adequação, referindo novos modos de funcionamento e respondendo às dúvidas e questões suscitadas pelas melhorias introduzidas por esta versão, ainda tão recente.
Este livro começa por apresentar as novas funcionalidades relativamente à versão 4; depois foca a “página das Disciplinas” e sua configuração; de seguida faz uma visita detalhada aos seus diferentes elementos, Actividades Recursos e Blocos, numa perspectiva de modernização tecnológica e enriquecimento pedagógico das Disciplinas. A organização intuitiva dos diferentes tópicos abordados e o uso recorrente de exemplos em imagens, listas e tabelas de acção (ex. “Se pretende… Então, clique em…”), tornam a sua consulta rápida e eficaz. São incluídas boas práticas e outras orientações relativas ao uso dos diferentes elementos e conteúdos da página de Disciplina, focando a componente pedagógica e a utilização desta ferramenta nas 2 vertentes: Professores e Alunos.
Em conclusão, “Moodle 4 para Professores” é o guia para o desenvolvimento de Disciplinas-moodle pedagogicamente bem sucedidas, orientando Professores principiantes e também os que procuram tirar partido das vantagens-moodle mais avançadas, ajudando à adequação do moodle às necessidades dos Alunos e aos diferentes objectivos/metas das Disciplinas.
Fernanda Ricou, Coordenadora do CEduTec - Center for Educational Technology da Nova School of Business and Economics; Administradora e Gestora da Plataforma “moodle@NovaSBE”.

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