SIGA comes in 3 versions suited for different types of education activity:
These packages include a set of different modules which gives SIGA additional functionalities, among which we highlight the following:
Classroom, Timetable and Teachers management module: allows you to automate classroom and teacher allocation to different courses and provide this information to students;
Sessions management: it’s possible to set schedules for the several courses that comprise an edition. The system detects incompatibilities in order to prevent the allocation of the same teacher or classroom to different simultaneous course sessions;
Occupation maps: it’s possible to view at any time, print or export to Excel the occupancy of classrooms and teachers to enable a better management;
Information to students: through their reserved area students can check their courses schedules and export this data to Excel or iCal format (compatible with Outlook);
Attendance Management Module: this module allows the record of students attendance in class, provide a list of nonattendance in students reserved area and issue alerts when nonattendance thresholds are overcome. The attendance recording can be automated through integration with a biometric records readout system;
Print attendance sheets: it’s possible to print attendance sheets for every session, including session information and names of enrolled participants;
Attendance registering: it’s possible to register the attendance of past sessions and get its statistics (total of enrolled participants, attendances and nonattendances), as well as view, print or export to Excel the attendance map of each course (attendance hours and date per student with final calculation of student attendance percentage);
Attendance threshold alerts: the system can send automatic alerts by e-mail to students and support staff when students reach a certain limit of nonattendances. This limit can be set defined at the programme level and/or at the course level based on the total number of hours. It’s possible to configure a nonattendance threshold that prevents the student to get a programme certificate with approval;
Billing sheets: SIGA allows the automatic calculation of teacher costs and sends email notifications so that they submit their income receipts;
DGERT Certification module: SIGA offers several features that simplify compliance with the certification requirements (for entities such as General-Directorate for Employment and Labour Relations), including confirmation of the training contractual terms, access to mandatory documentation and registration and management of occurrences.