ed-rom has an extensive experience on integrating Moodle with academic management systems allowing the automation of the process of user creation and course enrollment, minimizing this way the need of performing Moodle manual administration tasks. These integrations may include connection and synchronization with external databases, IMS Enterprise files, LDAP servers or web services.
We also have experience in implementing and integrating other software applications, such as videoconferencing, in order to provide new features to Moodle.
We have the know-how and development experience on developing Moodle modules to create new types of Resources, Activities, Blocks, Authentication, Registration, Filters, Repositories, Web services, Message Sending Methods, Submission and Feedback on Assignment Methods, questions, question behaviors or reports. With module development we are able to provide Moodle with new features without interfering with the LMS source code, which would prevent the implementation of periodic updates as often as necessary and advisable.